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Thursday, May 14, 2015
Monday, April 6, 2015
A General Reading List for Students of Economics
A General Reading List for Students of Economics
Economic Theory
Baran, Paul, The Political Economy of Growth
Baran, Paul, & Sweezy, Paul, Monopoly Capital
Dobb, Maurice, On Economic Theory and Socialism
Dobb, Maurice, Political Economy and Capitalism
Dobb, Maurice, Theories of Value and Distribution Since Adam Smith
Keynes, John Maynard, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
Lenin, V.I., Imperialism
Lenin, V.I., The State and Revolution
Marx, Karl, Capital (4 Vols.) - Includes Theories of Surplus Value
Marx, Karl, Critique of the Gotha Program
Marx, Karl, Wage, Labor and Capital
Meek, Ronald, Studies in the Labor Theory of Value
Ricardo, David, Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
Ricardo, David, Works and Correspondence (ed. P. Sraffa)
Robinson, Joan, Collected Economic Papers
Robinson, Joan, Economic Heresies
Robinson, Joan, Economic Philosophy
Robinson, Joan, Essays in the Theory of Economic Growth
Smith, Adam, The Wealth of Nations
Sraffa, Piero, Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities
Veblen, Thorstein, Absentee Ownership
Veblen, Thorstein, The Place of Science in Modern Civilization
Veblen, Thorstein, The Theory of Business Enterprise
Veblen, Thorstein, The Theory of the Leisure Class
Veblen, Thorstein, Essays in Our Changing Order
Science and Philosophy
Ash, William, "Existentialism and Revisionism," in Review I
Ash, William, Marxism and Moral Concepts
Ash, William, Morals and Politics
Ash, William, "Philosophical Revisionism," in Marxism Today
Bacon, Francis, Novum Organum
Bernal, J.D., Science in History
Bernal, J.D., The Social Function of Science
Bruno, Giordano, Cause, Principle, and Unity
Childe, V. Gordon, Society and Knowledge
Cornforth, Maurice, In Defense of Philosophy
Cornforth, Maurice, Materialism and the Dialectical Method
Cornforth, Maurice, Science and Idealism
Ghernyshevsky, N.G., Selected Philosophical Essays
Diderot, Denis, Selected Writings of Diderot
Dietzgen, Joseph, The Positive Outcome of Philosophy
Dunham, Barrows, Giant in Chains
Dunham, Barrows, Man Against Myth
Dobrolyubov, N.A., Selected Philosophical Essays
Engels, Frederick, Anti-Duhring
Engels, Frederick, Dialectics of Nature
Engels, Frederick, Ludwig Feuerbach
Epicurus, "The Extant Writings of Epicurus," in The Stoic Epicurean Philosophers
Farrington, Benjamin, Greek Science
Farrington, Benjamin, Science and Politics in the Ancient World
Feuerbach, Ludwig, The Essence of Christianity
Guest, David, Lectures on Marxist Philosophy (aka A Textbook on Dialectical Materialism)
Horowitz, Irving, Claude Helvetius
Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan
Jackson, T.A., Dialectics
Labriola, A. Historical Materialism and Philosophy
Lennin, V.I., Collected Works, Vol. 38, Philosophical Notebook
Lenin, V.I., Materialism and Empirio-Criticism
Lilley, J., Men, Machines and History
Lucretius, On the Nature of Things
Mao Tse-tung, "On Practice," in Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, Vol. 1
Mao Tse-tung, "On Contradiction," in Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, Vol. 2
Marx, Karl, Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
Marx, Karl, & Engels, F., The German Ideology
Marx, Karl, The Poverty of Philosophy
Marx & Engels, The Communist Manifesto
Marx & Engels, The Holy Family: The Critique of Critical Criticism
Marx & Engels, On Religion
Morton, A.G., Soviet Genetics
Plekhanov, George, The Development of the Monist View of History
Plekhanov, George, Fundamental Problems of Marxism
Plekhanov, George, The Materialist Conception of History
Plekhanov, George, The Role of the Individual in History
Robertson, Archibald, How to Read History
Robertson, Archibald, The Origins of Christianity
Schaff, Adam, A Philosophy of Man
Selsam, Howard & Harry Martel (eds), Reader in Marxist Philosophy
Stalin, Joseph, Dialectical and Historical Materialism
Thomson, George, From Marx to Mao Tse-tung
Thomson, George, Marxism and Poetry
Thomson, George, "Marxism in China Today," in The Broadsheet
Thomson, George, Studies in Ancient Creek Society, Vol. 2, The First Philosophers
Wells, Harry K., The Failure of Psychoanalysis: From Freud to Fromm
Wells, Harry K., Ivan P. Pavlov
Wells, Harry K., Pragmatism
Wells, Harry K., Sigmund Freud: A Pavlovian Critique
Literature and Literacy Criticism - General
Chernyshevsky, N.G., Selected Philosophical Essays, 1953
Dobrolyubov, N.A., Selected Philosophical Essays, 1956
Fast, Howard, Literature and Reality, 1950
Finkelstein, Sidney, Existentialism and Alienation in American Literature, 1965
Finkelstein, Sidney, Who Needs Shakespeare?, 1973
Fox, Ralph, The Novel and the People, 1937
Gorky, Maxim, Culture and the People, 1937
Gorky, Maxim, On Literature, n.d.
Kettle, Arnold, An Introduction to the English Novel, Two Vols., 1951
Lukacs, George, Studies in European Realism, 1948
Lunacharsky, Anatoly, On Literature and Art
Mao Tse-tung, On Art and Literature, 1960
Marx, Karl, & F. Engels, Literature and Art, 1947
Morton, A.L., The English Utopia, 1969
O'Casey, Sean, The Green Crow, 1956
Plekhanov, G.V., Art and Social Life, 1912
Rubinstein, Annette, The Great Tradition in English Literature, 2 Vols., 1953
Sprigg, Christopher S.J., Further Studies in a Dying Culture, 1949
Sprigg, Christopher S.J., Illusion and Reality, 1937
Sprigg, Christopher S.J., Romance and Realism, 1970
Sprigg, Christopher S.J., Studies in a Dying Culture, 1938
Thomson, George, Marxism and Poetry, 1946
West, Alick, Crisis and Criticism, 1937
Zhadanov, Andrei A., Essays on Literature, Philosophy, and Music, 1950
Literary Criticism, Individual
Ewen, Frederick, Bertolt Brecht, 1967
Foner, Philip, Jack London, 1947
Gorky, Maxim, Literary Portraits, n.d.
Hill, Christopher, Milton and the English Revolution, 1978
Jackson, T.A., Charles Dickens, 1948
Kettle, Arnold (ed.), Shakespeare in a Changing World, 1964
Koslow, Jules, The Green and the Red: Sean O'Casey, 1950
Thomson, George, Aeschylus and Athens, 1946
West, Alick, A Good Man Fallen Among the Fabians (Shaw), 1950
Novels - Contemporary
Aleikhem, Sholom, The Bewitched Tailor, n.d.
Auezov, Mukhtar, Abai, 2 Vols., 1950
Bek, Alexander, Volokolamsk Highway, 1944
Bek, Alexander, Bereshkov, 1965
Bessie, A., The Un-American
Blake, William, The Copperheads, 1941
Briffault, Robert, Europa, 1935
Briffault, Robert, Europa in Limbo, 1937
Chao Shu-li, Rhymes of Li Yutsai & Other Stories, 1950
Chekhov, Short Works and Stories, n.d.
Chernyshevsky, N.C., What is to Be Done
Chukovsky, N., Baltic Skies, 1953
Dreiser, Theodore, An American Tragedy, 1925
Fadayev, Alexander, The Route, 1926
Fadayev, Alexander, The Young Guard, 1947
Fast, Howard, The American, 1946
Fast, Howard, Citizen Tom Paine
Fast, Howard, Freedom Road
Fast, Howard, The Last Frontier, 1940
Fast, Howard, My Glorious Brothers
Furmanov, Dimitry, Chapayev, 1923
Gold, Michael, Jews Without Money, 1930
Gibbon, Lewis, A Scots Quair, 1932-34
Gorky, Maxim, Autobiography Mother, 1906
Gorky, Maxim, The Artamonovs, 1925
Gorky, Maxim, Foma Gordeyev, 1901
Gorky, Maxim, The Klim Samaghin Tetrology
Book I - The Bystander, 1927
Book II - The Magnet, 1928
Book III - Other Fires, 1930
Book IV - The Spectre, 1936
Graham, Margaret, Swing Shift, 1951
Green, Elmar, Wind From the South, (Stalin Prize), 1950
Gulia, Georgi, Springtime in Saken, (Stalin Prize), 1952
Heinrich, Willi, The Cross of Iron, 1956
Heinrich, Willi, Crack of Doom, 1958
Heinrich, Willi, Mark of Shame, 1960
Heym, Stefan, The Hostages, 1942
Heym, Stefan, The Crusaders, 1948
Heym, Stefan, The Eyes of Reason, 1951
Heym, Stefan, Goldsborough, 1954
Hsun, Lu, Selected Works of Lu Hsun, Vol 1., 1956
Kaverin, V., Open Book, 1956
Jesensky, Janko, The Democrats, 1961
Lacis, Vilis, Towards New Shores, 2 Vols., 1951
Lardner, Jr., Ring, The Ecstacy of Owen Muir, 1954
Lavrenyov, Boris, The Forty First, 1924-6
Lawrence, Lars, Morning, Noon and Night, 1954
Lawrence, Lars, Out of the Dust, 1956
Lawrence, Lars, The Hoax, 1960
Lawrence, Lars, Old Father Antic, n.d.
Laxness, Halldor, Salka Valka, 1936
London, Jack, The Iron Heel, 1970
Luknitsky, P., Nisso, 1953
Maltz, Albert, The Cross and the Arrow, 1944
Maltz, Albert, A Long Day in a Short Life, 1957
Morris, Ira, The Road to Spain, 1965
Mukhtar, A., Sisters, n.d.
Kikolayeva, G., Harvest
Polevio, B., A Story About a Real Man, 1949
Pa, Chin, The Family, 1958
M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Judas Golovlyov
M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Tales
Seghers, Anna, The Seventh Cross, 1942
Sender, Ramon, Seven Red Sundays, 1935
Sender, Ramon, Before Noon, 1957
Sholokhov, Mikhail, And Quiet Flows the Don, 1940
Sholokhov, Mikhail, Virgin Soil Upturned, 1960
Steinbeck, John, In Dubious Battle, 1956
Steinbeck, John, Grapes of Wrath, 1939
Strong, A.L., Wild River, 1942
Serafimovich, Alexander, The Iron Flood, 1923
Syamoshkin, Tikhon, Alitet Goes to the Hills, (Stalin Prize), 1952
Thomas, Gwyn, Leaves in the Wind, 1949
Tolstoy, Alexie, Ordeal, 3 Vols., (Stalin Prize), 1953
Tressall, Robert, The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, n.d.
Voloshin, Alexander, Kuznetsk Land, 1950
Zweig, Arnosd, The Case of Sergeant Grischa, 1929
Zweig, Arnold, The Crowning of a King, 1938
For earlier novels, see those cited in the section of Literary Criticism.
History, Anthropology and Politics
Tribal Society
Bernal, J.D., Science in History, Vol. 1.
Briffault, R., The Mothers, 3 Vols. (also, one Vol., ed., MacMillan, 1931)
Childe, V.G., What Happened in History
Childe, V.G., The Aryans
Childe, V.G., The Prehistory of European Society
Childe, V.G., Scotland Before the Scots
Childe, V.G., New Light on the Most Ancient East
Engles, F. Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State
Hubert, H., The Rise of the Celts
Hubert, H., The Greatness and Decline of the Celts
Morgan, L.H., Ancient Society
Morgan, L.H., League of the Iroquois
Nesturkh, M., The Origin of Man
Thomson, G., Studies in Ancient Greek Society, Vol. 1
White, L., The Evolution of Culture
Classical Greece and Rome
Briffault, R., Rational Evolution
Farrington, B., Science and Politics in the Ancient World
Farrington, B., Greek Science
Gibbon, E., The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Livy, A History of Rome (Hadac and Poe, ed.)
Robertson, A., The Origins of Christianity
Tacitus, Complete Works (Hadac, ed.)
Tarn, W.W., Hellenistic Civilization
Thomson, G., Studies in Ancient Greek Society
Walbank, F., The Decline of the Roman Empire in the West
Feudal Europe
Briffault, R., The Troubadors
Bloch, M., Feudal Society
Bloch, M., French Rural History
Chadwick, H., The Origin of the English Nation
Engels, F., The Peasant War in Germany
Gronbech, V., The Culture of the Teutons
Hilton, R., & Fagan, H., The English Rising of 1381
Kosminsky, E., Studies in the Agrarian History of England
Maitland, F., Domesday Book and Beyond
Macek, J., The Hussite Movement in Bohemia
Michelet, J., Satanism and Witchcraft
Morton, A.L., A People's History of England
Orwin, C.S., & C.S., The Open Fields
Pirenne, H., Medieval Cities
Pirenne, H., Early Democracies in the Low Countries
Stenton, F., Anglo-Saxon England
Vinogradoff, P., Villainage in England
Vinogradoff, P., The Growth of the Manor
Vinogradoff, P., English Society in the 11th Century
Wallace-Hadrill, V., The Barbarian West
Capitalist England
A. The Formative Period
Dobb, M., Studies in the Development of Capitalism
DeFoe, D., Robinson Crusoe
Fielding, H., Jonathon Wild
Hill, C., The English Revolution, 1640
Hill, C., Century of Revolution, 1603-1714
Marx, K. Capital, Vol. 1
Sweezy, et. al., The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism
Swift, J., Gulliver's Travels
Swift, J., A Modest Proposal
Tawney, R., The Agrarian Problem in the 16th Century
Unwin, G., Industrial Organization in the 16th and 17th Centuries
B. Industrial Revolution
Bernal, J.D., Science in History, Vol. 3
Cole, G. & Postgate, R., The Common People
Engels, F., The Condition of the Working-Class in England
Hammond, B., & J., The Town Labourer
Hammond, B. & J., The Village Labourer
Hammond, B. & J., The Rise of Modern Industry
Hobsbawm, E., The Age of Revolution, 1789-1848
Lilley, Men, Machines and History
Redford, A., Labour Migration in England, 1800-1850
Thompson, E., The Making of the English Working Class
C. Imperialist England
Briffault, R., Breakdown
Briffault, R., Europa, and Europa in Limbo
Briffault, R., Decline and Fall of the British Empire
Dutt, R.P., The Crisis of Britain and the Britain Empire
Feis, H., Europe: The World's Banker
Hobson, E.J., Industry and Empire
Jackson, T., Ireland, Her Own
Marx and Engels, On Britain
Marx and Engles, Ireland and the Irish Question
Postgate, R., Revolution From 1789-1916
Tressell, R., The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
Trukhanovsky, V., British Foreign Policy During WW II
(For further readings see bibliography in Morton, A People's History of Eng.)
France and Germany
A. Formative Period
Balzac, The Human Comedy
Lissagary, The Paris Commune of 1871
Mathiez, A., The French Revolution
Mathiez, A., After Robespierre
Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
Marx, The Class Struggle in France
Marx, Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany
Marx & Lenin, Civil War in France: The Paris Comune
Clapham, J., Economic History of France and Germany
Tarle, E., Napoleon Bonaparte
Tarle, E., Napoleon and the War of 1812
Veblen, T., Imperial Germany and the Industrial Revolution
B. Imperialism and Fascism
Brady, R., Business as a System of Power
Brady, R., The Spirit and Structure of German Fascism
Briffault, R., Breakdown
Briffault, R., Decline and Fall of the British Empire
Burchett, W., Cold War in Germany
Borkin & Welsh, Germany's Master Plan
Deborin, G., The Second World War
Deborin, G., Secrets of the Second World War
Dutt, R.P., Fascism and Social Revolution
Dutt, R.P., World Politics, 1918-1936
Caudwell, C., Studies and Further Studies in a Dying Culture
Heiden, K., Der Fuehrer
Henri, E., Hitler Over Europe
Henri, E., Hitler Over Russia
Hilferding, R., Finance Capital
Hobson, J., Imperialism
Pertinax, The Grave Diggers of France
Lenin, V.I., Imperialism
Lenin, V.I., The State and Revolution
Sasuly, R., I.G. Farben
United States
A. Early Economic Development and General Works
Aptheker, Herbert, American Revolution, 1960
Aptheker, Herbert, The Colonial Era, 1959
Aptheker, Herbert, Early Years of the Republic, 1976
Beard, Charles A., An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the U.S.
Beard, Charles A. & Mary, The Rise of American Civilization, 1930
Briffault, Robert, The Decline and Fall of the British Empire, 1938
Foster, William Z., Outline Political History of the Americas,1951
Horowitz, David, The First Frontier, 1978
Huberman, Leo, We, the People, 1947
Morais, Herbert, The Struggle for American Freedom, 1944
B. Race
Allen, James, Reconstruction, 1937
Aptheker, Herbert, American Negro Slave Revolutions, 1943
Aptheker, Herbert, Essays in the History of the American Negro,1945
Aptheker, Herbert, To Be Free, 1948
Aptheker, Herbert, A Documentary History of the Negro People of the U.S., 1951
Boyer, Richard, The Legend of John Brown, 1973
Chase, Allan, The Legacy of Malthus, 1977
Cox, Oliver C., Caste, Class & Race, 1948
Douglass, Frederick, The Life and Work of Frederick Douglass, (includes biography of Douglass by
the editor, Philip Foner), 4 Vols.
Dubois, W.E.B., Black Reconstruction, 1935
Dubois, W.E.B., Black Folk, Then and Now, 1939
Dubois, W.E.B., John Brown, 1909
Dubois, W.E.B., Souls of Black Folk, 1903
Dubois, W.E.B., The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to America, 1869
Foner, Philip, History of Black American, 4 Vols.
Foster, William Z., The Negro People in American History
Gould, S.J., The Mismeasures of Man
Gutman, H., The Black Family in American History
Jacoby, R., and Glauberman, N, eds. The Bell Curve Debate
James, C.L.R., The Black Jacobin (Toussaint L’Ouverture)
Las Casas, B de, The Devastation of the Indies
Lawler, J., I.Q., Heritability and Racism
McWilliams, C, Factories in the Field
North from Mexico
Meier, A., and Rudwick, E., Black History and the Historical Profession, 1915-80
Oliver and Shapian, Balck Wealth/White Wealth
Perlo, V., Economics of Racism, USA
Pickney, A., The Myth of Black Progress
Reich, M., Racial Inequality
Stannard, D., American Holocaust (extensive bibliography)
Thomas, A., and Sillen, S., Racism and Psychiatry
Tucker, Wm., The Science and Politics of Racial Research
Vinogradov, The Black Consul, (biography of Toussaint L'Ounerture), 1935
Woodward, C. Vann, The Strange Career of Jim Crow, 1966
Walker, David, David Walker's Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World, 1965
C. Labor History
DeCaux, L., Labor Radical
Foner, Philip, History of the Labor Movement in the U.S., 5 Vols.
Foner, Philip, Organized Labor and the Black Worker
Foner, Philip, Women and the American Labor Movement
Foster, William Z., American Trade Unionism, 1947
Foster, William Z., Pages From a Worker's Life, 1939
Ginger, Ray, The Bending Cross: A Biography of Debs, 1949
Haywood, William D., Bill Haywood's Book, 1929
McWilliams, Carey, Factories in the Field, 1937
Mikhailov, B.Y., et. al., Recent History of the Labor Movement in the United States, 2 Vols., 1977
Mortimer, W., Organize!, 1971
Moraise, H. & Boyer, R., Labor's Untold Story, 1955
Stone, Irving, Clarence Darrow, 1941
Yellen, Samuel, American Labor Struggles, 1936
Imperialism (Capitalism in its Oligopolistic Phase)
Allen, J., World Monopoly and Peace, 1946
Allen, J., Atomic Imperialism, 1952
Aptheker, H., History and Reality, 1955
Aronson, J., The Press and the Cold War
Baran, Paul, & Sweezy, P., Monopoly Capital
Baran, Paul, The Political Economy of Growth, 1957
Belfrage, C., The American Inquisition, 1973
Bolsover, Philip, American Over Britain, 1953
Brady, Robert A., Business as a System of Power, 1943
Chomsky, N. & Herman, E., The Political Economy of Human Rights, 2 Vols., 1980
Dementyev, I., USA: Imperialists and Anti-Imperialists, 1973
Domhoff, G.W., Who Rules America?
Fleming, D.F., The Cold Way and Its Origins, 1961
Hobson, John A., Imperialism, 1902
Kolko, G., The Triumph of Conservatism, 1963
Lenin, V.I., Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, 1917
Lenin, V.I., The State and Revolution, 1917
Magdoff, Harry, The Age of Imperialism, 1969
Matthews & Shallcross, Partners in Plunder, 1935
Marzani, C., We Can Be Friends, 1952
Morray, J., From Yalta to Disarmament, 1961
Perlo, V., American Imperialism, 1951
Perlo, V., The Empire of High Finance, 1957
Sayers & Kahn, Sabotage, 1942
Schiller, H., The Mind Managers, 1973
Twain, Mark, On the Damned Human Race, 1962
Veblen, Thorstein, Absentee Ownership
Veblen, Thorstein, Essays in Our Changing Order, pp. 361-470, 1934
Economic Concentration and Family Fortunes
Catton, Bruce, The Warlords of Washington, 1948
Josephson, Matthew, The Robber Barons, 1934
Lundberg, Ferdinand, America's Sixty Families, 1937
Martin, James S., All Honorable Men, 1950
Myers, Gustavus, History of the Great American Fortunes, 1909
National Resources Committee, Structure of the American Economy, Part I, the appendices, 1939
Rochester, Anna, The Rulers of America, 1936
Sayers & Kahn, Sabotage, 1942
Soviet Union
A. History and Development
Baykov, Alexander, The Development of the Societ Economic System, 1946
Bettelheim, Charles, Class Struggles in the USSR, 3 Vols.
Bolshakov, V., Anti-communism, The Main Line of Zionism, 1972
Briffault, Robert, Breakdown, (2nd ed.), 1935
Budyonny, Semyon, The Path of Valour, 1972
Coates, W.P. & Z.K., Armed Intervention in Russia, 1918-1922
Deborin, G., The Second World War
Deborin, G., Secrets of the Second World War, 1971
Dobb, Maurice, Soviet Economic Development Since 1917, 1966
Dutt, R. Palme, World Politics, 1918-1936, 1936
Eremenko, A., False Witnesses, 1959
Foreign Lang. Pub. House (Moscow), Petrograd, October 1917, Reminiscenses, 1957
Foreign Lang. Pub. House (Moscow), Documents Relating to the Eve of the Second World
War, 2 Vols., 1948
Foreign Lang. Pub. House (Moscow), History of the C.P.S.U. (Bolsheviks), 1952
Foster, W.Z., History of the Three Internationals, 1955
Fox, Ralph, Lenin, A Biography, 1934
Fyodorov, The Underground Committee Carries On, 1952
Gorky, M., et. al., History of the Civil War in the USSR, Vol. 1, 1937
Graves, William S., American Siberian Adventure, 1931
Gunawardhana, Theja, Khruscheivism, 1963
Henri, Ernst, Hitler Over Europe, 1934
Henri, Ernst, Hitler Over Russia, 1936
Isakov, I.S., The Red Fleet in the Second World War, 1947
Kunitz, Joshua, Russia, The Giant that Came Last
Lenin, V.I., The Development of Capitalism in Russia
Lyashchenko, History of the National Economy of Russia Til 1917, 1949
Medvedev, Dmity, Stout Hearts, 1949
Meikins, Gregory, The Baltic Riddle, 1943
Molotov, V.M., Problems of Foreign Policy, 1949
Pritt, D.N., The State Department and the Cold War, 1948
Progress Publishers (Moscow), The Tehran, Yalta- & Potsdam Conferences, Documents
Reed, John, Ten Days that Shook the World, (Int. Pub. Ed.), 1967
Robinson, Geriot T., Rural Russia Under the Old Regime, 1932
Rothstein, Andrew, The Munich Conspiracy, 1958
Sayers, Michael, & Albert Kahn, The Great Conspiracy, 1946
Strong, Anna Louise, The Stalin Era, 1956
Strong, Anna Louise, I Change Worlds, 1935
Voznesensky, N., War Economy of the USSR in the Period of the Patriotic War, 1948
Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, Soviet Communism: A New Civilization, 1937
Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, The Truth About Soviet Russia, 1942
Williams, Albert Rhys, The Russians
Williams, Albert Rhys, The Soviets
Williams, Albert Rhys, Through the Russian Revolution, 1967
Yakovlev, Alexander, The Aim of a Lifetime
Zhukov, G.K., Memoirs of Marshall Zhukov, 1971
B. Theory and Politics
Bukharin, Nicolai I., Economics of the Transition Period, 1971
Bukharin, Nicolai I., The Economic Theory of the Leisure Class, 1968
Hoxha, Enver, The Khruschevites
Kautsky, Karl, The Dictatorship of the Proletariat, 1964
Lenin, V.I., The Development of Capitalism in Russia
Lenin, V.I., The Proletarian Revolution and Renegade Kautsky
Lenin, V.I., The Selected Works of Lenin, 12 Vols.
Lenin, V.I., The State and Revolution
Preobrazhensky, E., The New Economics, 1965
Stalin, Joseph V., Selected Works of Joseph V. Stalin, (Cardinal Ed.), 1971
Stalin, Joseph V., Works of J.V. Stalin, 13 Vols.
A. History and Development
Allan & Gordon, The Scapel and the Sword, (Norman Bethune)
Adler, Solomon, The Chinese Economy, 1957
Belden, Jack, China Shakes the World, 1949
Bettelheim, Charles, Cultural Revolution and Industrial Organization in China
Chu Teh, On the Battlefields of the Liberated Areas, 1952
Crook, Isabel and David, The First Years of Yangyi Commune, 1966
Epstein, Israel, The Unfinished Revolution in China, 1947-49
Epstein, Israel, From Opium War to Liberation
Foreign Languages Press (Peking), Important Documents Concerning the Question of Taiwan, 1955
Foreign Languages Press (Peking), The Sino-Indian Boundary Dispute, 1962
Foreign Languages Press (Peking), Ten Great Years, 1960
Foreign Languages Press (Peking), Documents of the First Session of the First People's Congress of
the People's Republic of China, 1955
Greene, Felix, A Curtain of Ignorance, 1964
Hinton, William, Fanshen, 1966
Hinton, William, Iron Oxen, 1970
Hinton, William, Turning Point in China, 1972
Hinton, William, Hundred Days War
Horn, Joshua S., Away All Pests, 1969
Hu Sheng, Imperialism and Chinese Politics, 1955
Richman, Barry, Industrial Society in Communist China, 1969
Robinson, Joan, Economic Management - China, 1973
Robinson, Joan, Notes From China, 1961
Strong, Anna Louise, Letters From China, 3 Vols., (Sept., 1962 - July, 1965)
Strong, Anna Louise, The Rise of the Chinese People's Communes - And Six Years After,
Strong, Anna Louise, When the Serfs Stood-up in tibet, 1960
Suyin, Han, China, 2001, 1967
Suyin, Han, The Morning Deluge, 1972 (Biography of Mao Tse-tung)
Suyin, Han, Wind in the Tower, 1976
Tung Chi-ming, An Outline History of China, 1959
Vladimirov, Peter, The Vladimirov Diaries
Wu Yu-chang, The Great Turning Point, 1962 (ed.)
Wu, Yu-chang, The Revolution of 1911, 1962
B. Literature, etc.
Chao Shu-li, Rhymes of Li-tsai and Other Stories, 1950
Lu Chu-kuo, The Battle of Sangkumryung, 1961
Lu Hsun, A Brief History of Chinese Fiction, 1964
Lu Hsun, Selected Works of Lu Hsun, 4 Vols., 1956-60
Pa Chin, The Family, 1958
Wu Chiang, Red Sun, 1961
C. Theory and Politics
Cheng Yen-shis, Lenin's Fight Against Revisionism and Opportunism, 1965
Chen Po-ta, A Study of Land Rent in Pre-Liberation China, 1958
Foreign Languages Press (Peking), The Polemic on the General Line of the International
Communist Movement, 1965
Foreign Languages Press (Peking), Mone on the Differences Between Comrade (Honggi) Togliatti
and US, 1963
Hoxha, Enver, Reflections on China
Liu Shao-chi, How to be a Good Communist, 1964
Liu Shao-chi, On the Party, 1951
Mao Tse-tung, Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, 4 Vols., 1961-65
Mao Tse-tung, Selected Readings From the Works of Mao Tse-tung,1967
Vladimirov, Peter, The Vladimirov Papers
Wang Ming, Mao's Betrayal
Addendum (Useful things not fitting neatly into other categories)
Aptheker, H., The Truth About Hungary
Baran, Paul, The Longer View
Briffault, Robert, Rational Evolution
Foner, Philip, History of Cuba/The Spanish-Cuban-American War, 4 Vols.
Foner, Philip, Jack London, American Rebel
Foster, William Z., History of the Three Internationals
Foster, William Z., Outline History of the World Trade Union Movement
Fuchik, J., Notes From the Gallows
Huberman, Leo, and Sweezy, P., Cuba: Anatomy of a Revolution
Huberman, Leo, and Sweezy, P., Socialism in Cuba
Lumer, H., Zionism: Its Role in World Politics
McCoy, A., The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia
Nukhovich, E., International Monopolies and Developing Countries
O'Casey, Sean, Behind the Green Curtain
O'Casey, Sean, Feathers From the Green Crow
O'Casey, Sean, Red Roses for Me
O'Casey, Sean, The Star Turns Red
Seldes, G., Facts and Fascism
Stone, I.F., The Hidden History of the Korean War
Sweezy, Paul, The Present as History
Yakhrushev, V., Neocolonialism: Methods and Manoeuvers
A Suggested Approach to the Study of Marxism (* - Essential) Read in Order Given
*1) Lenin, The State and Revolution
*2) Morgan, L.H., Houses and House Life of the American Aborigines
*3) Briffault, R., The Mothers, (One Vol. Edition, MacMillan, 1931)
4) Thomson, George, Studies in Ancient Greek Society, Vol. 1
5) Farrington, B., Science and Politics in the Ancient World
*6) Robertson, A., The Origins of Christianity
*7) Caudwell, Christopher, Studies in a Dying Culture - especially "Liberty"
*8) Engels, F., Ludwig Feuerbach
9) Marx and Engels, The Communist Manifesto
10) Engels, F., On Capital
11) Lenin, V.I., The State and Revolution (again)
*12) Lenin, V.I., Imperialism
*13) Sayers and Kahn, The Great Conspiracy
14) Dutt, R.P., World Politics, 1918-1936
*15) Briffault, R., Breakdown
16) Then read more history and philosophy, adding spice occasionally with a novel.
17) Marx, Capital, Vol. 1, may be difficult for students reading unaided.
18) Revisionism
a. Bernstein, E., Evolutionary Socialism
b. Kautsky, K., The Dictatorship of the Proletariat
c. Bukharin, N., Economics of the Transition Period
d. Bukharin, N., The Economic Theory of the Leisure Class
e. Preobrazhensky, E., The New Economics
f. Trotsky, Leon, Look for stuff between 1903 and 1923. Most available material is
either written after 1930, or re-written to account for criticism.
19) Attack on Revisionism
a. Lenin, Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky
b. Lenin, Left-Wing Communism, an Infantile Disorder
c. Lenin, The State and Revolution
d. Stalin, J.V., Selected Works, 1971
e. Editorial Dept. of Honggi, More on the Difference Between Comrade Togliatti and
US, 1963
reblogged from:
Economic Theory
Baran, Paul, The Political Economy of Growth
Baran, Paul, & Sweezy, Paul, Monopoly Capital
Dobb, Maurice, On Economic Theory and Socialism
Dobb, Maurice, Political Economy and Capitalism
Dobb, Maurice, Theories of Value and Distribution Since Adam Smith
Keynes, John Maynard, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
Lenin, V.I., Imperialism
Lenin, V.I., The State and Revolution
Marx, Karl, Capital (4 Vols.) - Includes Theories of Surplus Value
Marx, Karl, Critique of the Gotha Program
Marx, Karl, Wage, Labor and Capital
Meek, Ronald, Studies in the Labor Theory of Value
Ricardo, David, Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
Ricardo, David, Works and Correspondence (ed. P. Sraffa)
Robinson, Joan, Collected Economic Papers
Robinson, Joan, Economic Heresies
Robinson, Joan, Economic Philosophy
Robinson, Joan, Essays in the Theory of Economic Growth
Smith, Adam, The Wealth of Nations
Sraffa, Piero, Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities
Veblen, Thorstein, Absentee Ownership
Veblen, Thorstein, The Place of Science in Modern Civilization
Veblen, Thorstein, The Theory of Business Enterprise
Veblen, Thorstein, The Theory of the Leisure Class
Veblen, Thorstein, Essays in Our Changing Order
Science and Philosophy
Ash, William, "Existentialism and Revisionism," in Review I
Ash, William, Marxism and Moral Concepts
Ash, William, Morals and Politics
Ash, William, "Philosophical Revisionism," in Marxism Today
Bacon, Francis, Novum Organum
Bernal, J.D., Science in History
Bernal, J.D., The Social Function of Science
Bruno, Giordano, Cause, Principle, and Unity
Childe, V. Gordon, Society and Knowledge
Cornforth, Maurice, In Defense of Philosophy
Cornforth, Maurice, Materialism and the Dialectical Method
Cornforth, Maurice, Science and Idealism
Ghernyshevsky, N.G., Selected Philosophical Essays
Diderot, Denis, Selected Writings of Diderot
Dietzgen, Joseph, The Positive Outcome of Philosophy
Dunham, Barrows, Giant in Chains
Dunham, Barrows, Man Against Myth
Dobrolyubov, N.A., Selected Philosophical Essays
Engels, Frederick, Anti-Duhring
Engels, Frederick, Dialectics of Nature
Engels, Frederick, Ludwig Feuerbach
Epicurus, "The Extant Writings of Epicurus," in The Stoic Epicurean Philosophers
Farrington, Benjamin, Greek Science
Farrington, Benjamin, Science and Politics in the Ancient World
Feuerbach, Ludwig, The Essence of Christianity
Guest, David, Lectures on Marxist Philosophy (aka A Textbook on Dialectical Materialism)
Horowitz, Irving, Claude Helvetius
Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan
Jackson, T.A., Dialectics
Labriola, A. Historical Materialism and Philosophy
Lennin, V.I., Collected Works, Vol. 38, Philosophical Notebook
Lenin, V.I., Materialism and Empirio-Criticism
Lilley, J., Men, Machines and History
Lucretius, On the Nature of Things
Mao Tse-tung, "On Practice," in Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, Vol. 1
Mao Tse-tung, "On Contradiction," in Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, Vol. 2
Marx, Karl, Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
Marx, Karl, & Engels, F., The German Ideology
Marx, Karl, The Poverty of Philosophy
Marx & Engels, The Communist Manifesto
Marx & Engels, The Holy Family: The Critique of Critical Criticism
Marx & Engels, On Religion
Morton, A.G., Soviet Genetics
Plekhanov, George, The Development of the Monist View of History
Plekhanov, George, Fundamental Problems of Marxism
Plekhanov, George, The Materialist Conception of History
Plekhanov, George, The Role of the Individual in History
Robertson, Archibald, How to Read History
Robertson, Archibald, The Origins of Christianity
Schaff, Adam, A Philosophy of Man
Selsam, Howard & Harry Martel (eds), Reader in Marxist Philosophy
Stalin, Joseph, Dialectical and Historical Materialism
Thomson, George, From Marx to Mao Tse-tung
Thomson, George, Marxism and Poetry
Thomson, George, "Marxism in China Today," in The Broadsheet
Thomson, George, Studies in Ancient Creek Society, Vol. 2, The First Philosophers
Wells, Harry K., The Failure of Psychoanalysis: From Freud to Fromm
Wells, Harry K., Ivan P. Pavlov
Wells, Harry K., Pragmatism
Wells, Harry K., Sigmund Freud: A Pavlovian Critique
Literature and Literacy Criticism - General
Chernyshevsky, N.G., Selected Philosophical Essays, 1953
Dobrolyubov, N.A., Selected Philosophical Essays, 1956
Fast, Howard, Literature and Reality, 1950
Finkelstein, Sidney, Existentialism and Alienation in American Literature, 1965
Finkelstein, Sidney, Who Needs Shakespeare?, 1973
Fox, Ralph, The Novel and the People, 1937
Gorky, Maxim, Culture and the People, 1937
Gorky, Maxim, On Literature, n.d.
Kettle, Arnold, An Introduction to the English Novel, Two Vols., 1951
Lukacs, George, Studies in European Realism, 1948
Lunacharsky, Anatoly, On Literature and Art
Mao Tse-tung, On Art and Literature, 1960
Marx, Karl, & F. Engels, Literature and Art, 1947
Morton, A.L., The English Utopia, 1969
O'Casey, Sean, The Green Crow, 1956
Plekhanov, G.V., Art and Social Life, 1912
Rubinstein, Annette, The Great Tradition in English Literature, 2 Vols., 1953
Sprigg, Christopher S.J., Further Studies in a Dying Culture, 1949
Sprigg, Christopher S.J., Illusion and Reality, 1937
Sprigg, Christopher S.J., Romance and Realism, 1970
Sprigg, Christopher S.J., Studies in a Dying Culture, 1938
Thomson, George, Marxism and Poetry, 1946
West, Alick, Crisis and Criticism, 1937
Zhadanov, Andrei A., Essays on Literature, Philosophy, and Music, 1950
Literary Criticism, Individual
Ewen, Frederick, Bertolt Brecht, 1967
Foner, Philip, Jack London, 1947
Gorky, Maxim, Literary Portraits, n.d.
Hill, Christopher, Milton and the English Revolution, 1978
Jackson, T.A., Charles Dickens, 1948
Kettle, Arnold (ed.), Shakespeare in a Changing World, 1964
Koslow, Jules, The Green and the Red: Sean O'Casey, 1950
Thomson, George, Aeschylus and Athens, 1946
West, Alick, A Good Man Fallen Among the Fabians (Shaw), 1950
Novels - Contemporary
Aleikhem, Sholom, The Bewitched Tailor, n.d.
Auezov, Mukhtar, Abai, 2 Vols., 1950
Bek, Alexander, Volokolamsk Highway, 1944
Bek, Alexander, Bereshkov, 1965
Bessie, A., The Un-American
Blake, William, The Copperheads, 1941
Briffault, Robert, Europa, 1935
Briffault, Robert, Europa in Limbo, 1937
Chao Shu-li, Rhymes of Li Yutsai & Other Stories, 1950
Chekhov, Short Works and Stories, n.d.
Chernyshevsky, N.C., What is to Be Done
Chukovsky, N., Baltic Skies, 1953
Dreiser, Theodore, An American Tragedy, 1925
Fadayev, Alexander, The Route, 1926
Fadayev, Alexander, The Young Guard, 1947
Fast, Howard, The American, 1946
Fast, Howard, Citizen Tom Paine
Fast, Howard, Freedom Road
Fast, Howard, The Last Frontier, 1940
Fast, Howard, My Glorious Brothers
Furmanov, Dimitry, Chapayev, 1923
Gold, Michael, Jews Without Money, 1930
Gibbon, Lewis, A Scots Quair, 1932-34
Gorky, Maxim, Autobiography Mother, 1906
Gorky, Maxim, The Artamonovs, 1925
Gorky, Maxim, Foma Gordeyev, 1901
Gorky, Maxim, The Klim Samaghin Tetrology
Book I - The Bystander, 1927
Book II - The Magnet, 1928
Book III - Other Fires, 1930
Book IV - The Spectre, 1936
Graham, Margaret, Swing Shift, 1951
Green, Elmar, Wind From the South, (Stalin Prize), 1950
Gulia, Georgi, Springtime in Saken, (Stalin Prize), 1952
Heinrich, Willi, The Cross of Iron, 1956
Heinrich, Willi, Crack of Doom, 1958
Heinrich, Willi, Mark of Shame, 1960
Heym, Stefan, The Hostages, 1942
Heym, Stefan, The Crusaders, 1948
Heym, Stefan, The Eyes of Reason, 1951
Heym, Stefan, Goldsborough, 1954
Hsun, Lu, Selected Works of Lu Hsun, Vol 1., 1956
Kaverin, V., Open Book, 1956
Jesensky, Janko, The Democrats, 1961
Lacis, Vilis, Towards New Shores, 2 Vols., 1951
Lardner, Jr., Ring, The Ecstacy of Owen Muir, 1954
Lavrenyov, Boris, The Forty First, 1924-6
Lawrence, Lars, Morning, Noon and Night, 1954
Lawrence, Lars, Out of the Dust, 1956
Lawrence, Lars, The Hoax, 1960
Lawrence, Lars, Old Father Antic, n.d.
Laxness, Halldor, Salka Valka, 1936
London, Jack, The Iron Heel, 1970
Luknitsky, P., Nisso, 1953
Maltz, Albert, The Cross and the Arrow, 1944
Maltz, Albert, A Long Day in a Short Life, 1957
Morris, Ira, The Road to Spain, 1965
Mukhtar, A., Sisters, n.d.
Kikolayeva, G., Harvest
Polevio, B., A Story About a Real Man, 1949
Pa, Chin, The Family, 1958
M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Judas Golovlyov
M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Tales
Seghers, Anna, The Seventh Cross, 1942
Sender, Ramon, Seven Red Sundays, 1935
Sender, Ramon, Before Noon, 1957
Sholokhov, Mikhail, And Quiet Flows the Don, 1940
Sholokhov, Mikhail, Virgin Soil Upturned, 1960
Steinbeck, John, In Dubious Battle, 1956
Steinbeck, John, Grapes of Wrath, 1939
Strong, A.L., Wild River, 1942
Serafimovich, Alexander, The Iron Flood, 1923
Syamoshkin, Tikhon, Alitet Goes to the Hills, (Stalin Prize), 1952
Thomas, Gwyn, Leaves in the Wind, 1949
Tolstoy, Alexie, Ordeal, 3 Vols., (Stalin Prize), 1953
Tressall, Robert, The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, n.d.
Voloshin, Alexander, Kuznetsk Land, 1950
Zweig, Arnosd, The Case of Sergeant Grischa, 1929
Zweig, Arnold, The Crowning of a King, 1938
For earlier novels, see those cited in the section of Literary Criticism.
History, Anthropology and Politics
Tribal Society
Bernal, J.D., Science in History, Vol. 1.
Briffault, R., The Mothers, 3 Vols. (also, one Vol., ed., MacMillan, 1931)
Childe, V.G., What Happened in History
Childe, V.G., The Aryans
Childe, V.G., The Prehistory of European Society
Childe, V.G., Scotland Before the Scots
Childe, V.G., New Light on the Most Ancient East
Engles, F. Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State
Hubert, H., The Rise of the Celts
Hubert, H., The Greatness and Decline of the Celts
Morgan, L.H., Ancient Society
Morgan, L.H., League of the Iroquois
Nesturkh, M., The Origin of Man
Thomson, G., Studies in Ancient Greek Society, Vol. 1
White, L., The Evolution of Culture
Classical Greece and Rome
Briffault, R., Rational Evolution
Farrington, B., Science and Politics in the Ancient World
Farrington, B., Greek Science
Gibbon, E., The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Livy, A History of Rome (Hadac and Poe, ed.)
Robertson, A., The Origins of Christianity
Tacitus, Complete Works (Hadac, ed.)
Tarn, W.W., Hellenistic Civilization
Thomson, G., Studies in Ancient Greek Society
Walbank, F., The Decline of the Roman Empire in the West
Feudal Europe
Briffault, R., The Troubadors
Bloch, M., Feudal Society
Bloch, M., French Rural History
Chadwick, H., The Origin of the English Nation
Engels, F., The Peasant War in Germany
Gronbech, V., The Culture of the Teutons
Hilton, R., & Fagan, H., The English Rising of 1381
Kosminsky, E., Studies in the Agrarian History of England
Maitland, F., Domesday Book and Beyond
Macek, J., The Hussite Movement in Bohemia
Michelet, J., Satanism and Witchcraft
Morton, A.L., A People's History of England
Orwin, C.S., & C.S., The Open Fields
Pirenne, H., Medieval Cities
Pirenne, H., Early Democracies in the Low Countries
Stenton, F., Anglo-Saxon England
Vinogradoff, P., Villainage in England
Vinogradoff, P., The Growth of the Manor
Vinogradoff, P., English Society in the 11th Century
Wallace-Hadrill, V., The Barbarian West
Capitalist England
A. The Formative Period
Dobb, M., Studies in the Development of Capitalism
DeFoe, D., Robinson Crusoe
Fielding, H., Jonathon Wild
Hill, C., The English Revolution, 1640
Hill, C., Century of Revolution, 1603-1714
Marx, K. Capital, Vol. 1
Sweezy, et. al., The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism
Swift, J., Gulliver's Travels
Swift, J., A Modest Proposal
Tawney, R., The Agrarian Problem in the 16th Century
Unwin, G., Industrial Organization in the 16th and 17th Centuries
B. Industrial Revolution
Bernal, J.D., Science in History, Vol. 3
Cole, G. & Postgate, R., The Common People
Engels, F., The Condition of the Working-Class in England
Hammond, B., & J., The Town Labourer
Hammond, B. & J., The Village Labourer
Hammond, B. & J., The Rise of Modern Industry
Hobsbawm, E., The Age of Revolution, 1789-1848
Lilley, Men, Machines and History
Redford, A., Labour Migration in England, 1800-1850
Thompson, E., The Making of the English Working Class
C. Imperialist England
Briffault, R., Breakdown
Briffault, R., Europa, and Europa in Limbo
Briffault, R., Decline and Fall of the British Empire
Dutt, R.P., The Crisis of Britain and the Britain Empire
Feis, H., Europe: The World's Banker
Hobson, E.J., Industry and Empire
Jackson, T., Ireland, Her Own
Marx and Engels, On Britain
Marx and Engles, Ireland and the Irish Question
Postgate, R., Revolution From 1789-1916
Tressell, R., The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
Trukhanovsky, V., British Foreign Policy During WW II
(For further readings see bibliography in Morton, A People's History of Eng.)
France and Germany
A. Formative Period
Balzac, The Human Comedy
Lissagary, The Paris Commune of 1871
Mathiez, A., The French Revolution
Mathiez, A., After Robespierre
Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
Marx, The Class Struggle in France
Marx, Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany
Marx & Lenin, Civil War in France: The Paris Comune
Clapham, J., Economic History of France and Germany
Tarle, E., Napoleon Bonaparte
Tarle, E., Napoleon and the War of 1812
Veblen, T., Imperial Germany and the Industrial Revolution
B. Imperialism and Fascism
Brady, R., Business as a System of Power
Brady, R., The Spirit and Structure of German Fascism
Briffault, R., Breakdown
Briffault, R., Decline and Fall of the British Empire
Burchett, W., Cold War in Germany
Borkin & Welsh, Germany's Master Plan
Deborin, G., The Second World War
Deborin, G., Secrets of the Second World War
Dutt, R.P., Fascism and Social Revolution
Dutt, R.P., World Politics, 1918-1936
Caudwell, C., Studies and Further Studies in a Dying Culture
Heiden, K., Der Fuehrer
Henri, E., Hitler Over Europe
Henri, E., Hitler Over Russia
Hilferding, R., Finance Capital
Hobson, J., Imperialism
Pertinax, The Grave Diggers of France
Lenin, V.I., Imperialism
Lenin, V.I., The State and Revolution
Sasuly, R., I.G. Farben
United States
A. Early Economic Development and General Works
Aptheker, Herbert, American Revolution, 1960
Aptheker, Herbert, The Colonial Era, 1959
Aptheker, Herbert, Early Years of the Republic, 1976
Beard, Charles A., An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the U.S.
Beard, Charles A. & Mary, The Rise of American Civilization, 1930
Briffault, Robert, The Decline and Fall of the British Empire, 1938
Foster, William Z., Outline Political History of the Americas,1951
Horowitz, David, The First Frontier, 1978
Huberman, Leo, We, the People, 1947
Morais, Herbert, The Struggle for American Freedom, 1944
B. Race
Allen, James, Reconstruction, 1937
Aptheker, Herbert, American Negro Slave Revolutions, 1943
Aptheker, Herbert, Essays in the History of the American Negro,1945
Aptheker, Herbert, To Be Free, 1948
Aptheker, Herbert, A Documentary History of the Negro People of the U.S., 1951
Boyer, Richard, The Legend of John Brown, 1973
Chase, Allan, The Legacy of Malthus, 1977
Cox, Oliver C., Caste, Class & Race, 1948
Douglass, Frederick, The Life and Work of Frederick Douglass, (includes biography of Douglass by
the editor, Philip Foner), 4 Vols.
Dubois, W.E.B., Black Reconstruction, 1935
Dubois, W.E.B., Black Folk, Then and Now, 1939
Dubois, W.E.B., John Brown, 1909
Dubois, W.E.B., Souls of Black Folk, 1903
Dubois, W.E.B., The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to America, 1869
Foner, Philip, History of Black American, 4 Vols.
Foster, William Z., The Negro People in American History
Gould, S.J., The Mismeasures of Man
Gutman, H., The Black Family in American History
Jacoby, R., and Glauberman, N, eds. The Bell Curve Debate
James, C.L.R., The Black Jacobin (Toussaint L’Ouverture)
Las Casas, B de, The Devastation of the Indies
Lawler, J., I.Q., Heritability and Racism
McWilliams, C, Factories in the Field
North from Mexico
Meier, A., and Rudwick, E., Black History and the Historical Profession, 1915-80
Oliver and Shapian, Balck Wealth/White Wealth
Perlo, V., Economics of Racism, USA
Pickney, A., The Myth of Black Progress
Reich, M., Racial Inequality
Stannard, D., American Holocaust (extensive bibliography)
Thomas, A., and Sillen, S., Racism and Psychiatry
Tucker, Wm., The Science and Politics of Racial Research
Vinogradov, The Black Consul, (biography of Toussaint L'Ounerture), 1935
Woodward, C. Vann, The Strange Career of Jim Crow, 1966
Walker, David, David Walker's Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World, 1965
C. Labor History
DeCaux, L., Labor Radical
Foner, Philip, History of the Labor Movement in the U.S., 5 Vols.
Foner, Philip, Organized Labor and the Black Worker
Foner, Philip, Women and the American Labor Movement
Foster, William Z., American Trade Unionism, 1947
Foster, William Z., Pages From a Worker's Life, 1939
Ginger, Ray, The Bending Cross: A Biography of Debs, 1949
Haywood, William D., Bill Haywood's Book, 1929
McWilliams, Carey, Factories in the Field, 1937
Mikhailov, B.Y., et. al., Recent History of the Labor Movement in the United States, 2 Vols., 1977
Mortimer, W., Organize!, 1971
Moraise, H. & Boyer, R., Labor's Untold Story, 1955
Stone, Irving, Clarence Darrow, 1941
Yellen, Samuel, American Labor Struggles, 1936
Imperialism (Capitalism in its Oligopolistic Phase)
Allen, J., World Monopoly and Peace, 1946
Allen, J., Atomic Imperialism, 1952
Aptheker, H., History and Reality, 1955
Aronson, J., The Press and the Cold War
Baran, Paul, & Sweezy, P., Monopoly Capital
Baran, Paul, The Political Economy of Growth, 1957
Belfrage, C., The American Inquisition, 1973
Bolsover, Philip, American Over Britain, 1953
Brady, Robert A., Business as a System of Power, 1943
Chomsky, N. & Herman, E., The Political Economy of Human Rights, 2 Vols., 1980
Dementyev, I., USA: Imperialists and Anti-Imperialists, 1973
Domhoff, G.W., Who Rules America?
Fleming, D.F., The Cold Way and Its Origins, 1961
Hobson, John A., Imperialism, 1902
Kolko, G., The Triumph of Conservatism, 1963
Lenin, V.I., Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, 1917
Lenin, V.I., The State and Revolution, 1917
Magdoff, Harry, The Age of Imperialism, 1969
Matthews & Shallcross, Partners in Plunder, 1935
Marzani, C., We Can Be Friends, 1952
Morray, J., From Yalta to Disarmament, 1961
Perlo, V., American Imperialism, 1951
Perlo, V., The Empire of High Finance, 1957
Sayers & Kahn, Sabotage, 1942
Schiller, H., The Mind Managers, 1973
Twain, Mark, On the Damned Human Race, 1962
Veblen, Thorstein, Absentee Ownership
Veblen, Thorstein, Essays in Our Changing Order, pp. 361-470, 1934
Economic Concentration and Family Fortunes
Catton, Bruce, The Warlords of Washington, 1948
Josephson, Matthew, The Robber Barons, 1934
Lundberg, Ferdinand, America's Sixty Families, 1937
Martin, James S., All Honorable Men, 1950
Myers, Gustavus, History of the Great American Fortunes, 1909
National Resources Committee, Structure of the American Economy, Part I, the appendices, 1939
Rochester, Anna, The Rulers of America, 1936
Sayers & Kahn, Sabotage, 1942
Soviet Union
A. History and Development
Baykov, Alexander, The Development of the Societ Economic System, 1946
Bettelheim, Charles, Class Struggles in the USSR, 3 Vols.
Bolshakov, V., Anti-communism, The Main Line of Zionism, 1972
Briffault, Robert, Breakdown, (2nd ed.), 1935
Budyonny, Semyon, The Path of Valour, 1972
Coates, W.P. & Z.K., Armed Intervention in Russia, 1918-1922
Deborin, G., The Second World War
Deborin, G., Secrets of the Second World War, 1971
Dobb, Maurice, Soviet Economic Development Since 1917, 1966
Dutt, R. Palme, World Politics, 1918-1936, 1936
Eremenko, A., False Witnesses, 1959
Foreign Lang. Pub. House (Moscow), Petrograd, October 1917, Reminiscenses, 1957
Foreign Lang. Pub. House (Moscow), Documents Relating to the Eve of the Second World
War, 2 Vols., 1948
Foreign Lang. Pub. House (Moscow), History of the C.P.S.U. (Bolsheviks), 1952
Foster, W.Z., History of the Three Internationals, 1955
Fox, Ralph, Lenin, A Biography, 1934
Fyodorov, The Underground Committee Carries On, 1952
Gorky, M., et. al., History of the Civil War in the USSR, Vol. 1, 1937
Graves, William S., American Siberian Adventure, 1931
Gunawardhana, Theja, Khruscheivism, 1963
Henri, Ernst, Hitler Over Europe, 1934
Henri, Ernst, Hitler Over Russia, 1936
Isakov, I.S., The Red Fleet in the Second World War, 1947
Kunitz, Joshua, Russia, The Giant that Came Last
Lenin, V.I., The Development of Capitalism in Russia
Lyashchenko, History of the National Economy of Russia Til 1917, 1949
Medvedev, Dmity, Stout Hearts, 1949
Meikins, Gregory, The Baltic Riddle, 1943
Molotov, V.M., Problems of Foreign Policy, 1949
Pritt, D.N., The State Department and the Cold War, 1948
Progress Publishers (Moscow), The Tehran, Yalta- & Potsdam Conferences, Documents
Reed, John, Ten Days that Shook the World, (Int. Pub. Ed.), 1967
Robinson, Geriot T., Rural Russia Under the Old Regime, 1932
Rothstein, Andrew, The Munich Conspiracy, 1958
Sayers, Michael, & Albert Kahn, The Great Conspiracy, 1946
Strong, Anna Louise, The Stalin Era, 1956
Strong, Anna Louise, I Change Worlds, 1935
Voznesensky, N., War Economy of the USSR in the Period of the Patriotic War, 1948
Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, Soviet Communism: A New Civilization, 1937
Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, The Truth About Soviet Russia, 1942
Williams, Albert Rhys, The Russians
Williams, Albert Rhys, The Soviets
Williams, Albert Rhys, Through the Russian Revolution, 1967
Yakovlev, Alexander, The Aim of a Lifetime
Zhukov, G.K., Memoirs of Marshall Zhukov, 1971
B. Theory and Politics
Bukharin, Nicolai I., Economics of the Transition Period, 1971
Bukharin, Nicolai I., The Economic Theory of the Leisure Class, 1968
Hoxha, Enver, The Khruschevites
Kautsky, Karl, The Dictatorship of the Proletariat, 1964
Lenin, V.I., The Development of Capitalism in Russia
Lenin, V.I., The Proletarian Revolution and Renegade Kautsky
Lenin, V.I., The Selected Works of Lenin, 12 Vols.
Lenin, V.I., The State and Revolution
Preobrazhensky, E., The New Economics, 1965
Stalin, Joseph V., Selected Works of Joseph V. Stalin, (Cardinal Ed.), 1971
Stalin, Joseph V., Works of J.V. Stalin, 13 Vols.
A. History and Development
Allan & Gordon, The Scapel and the Sword, (Norman Bethune)
Adler, Solomon, The Chinese Economy, 1957
Belden, Jack, China Shakes the World, 1949
Bettelheim, Charles, Cultural Revolution and Industrial Organization in China
Chu Teh, On the Battlefields of the Liberated Areas, 1952
Crook, Isabel and David, The First Years of Yangyi Commune, 1966
Epstein, Israel, The Unfinished Revolution in China, 1947-49
Epstein, Israel, From Opium War to Liberation
Foreign Languages Press (Peking), Important Documents Concerning the Question of Taiwan, 1955
Foreign Languages Press (Peking), The Sino-Indian Boundary Dispute, 1962
Foreign Languages Press (Peking), Ten Great Years, 1960
Foreign Languages Press (Peking), Documents of the First Session of the First People's Congress of
the People's Republic of China, 1955
Greene, Felix, A Curtain of Ignorance, 1964
Hinton, William, Fanshen, 1966
Hinton, William, Iron Oxen, 1970
Hinton, William, Turning Point in China, 1972
Hinton, William, Hundred Days War
Horn, Joshua S., Away All Pests, 1969
Hu Sheng, Imperialism and Chinese Politics, 1955
Richman, Barry, Industrial Society in Communist China, 1969
Robinson, Joan, Economic Management - China, 1973
Robinson, Joan, Notes From China, 1961
Strong, Anna Louise, Letters From China, 3 Vols., (Sept., 1962 - July, 1965)
Strong, Anna Louise, The Rise of the Chinese People's Communes - And Six Years After,
Strong, Anna Louise, When the Serfs Stood-up in tibet, 1960
Suyin, Han, China, 2001, 1967
Suyin, Han, The Morning Deluge, 1972 (Biography of Mao Tse-tung)
Suyin, Han, Wind in the Tower, 1976
Tung Chi-ming, An Outline History of China, 1959
Vladimirov, Peter, The Vladimirov Diaries
Wu Yu-chang, The Great Turning Point, 1962 (ed.)
Wu, Yu-chang, The Revolution of 1911, 1962
B. Literature, etc.
Chao Shu-li, Rhymes of Li-tsai and Other Stories, 1950
Lu Chu-kuo, The Battle of Sangkumryung, 1961
Lu Hsun, A Brief History of Chinese Fiction, 1964
Lu Hsun, Selected Works of Lu Hsun, 4 Vols., 1956-60
Pa Chin, The Family, 1958
Wu Chiang, Red Sun, 1961
C. Theory and Politics
Cheng Yen-shis, Lenin's Fight Against Revisionism and Opportunism, 1965
Chen Po-ta, A Study of Land Rent in Pre-Liberation China, 1958
Foreign Languages Press (Peking), The Polemic on the General Line of the International
Communist Movement, 1965
Foreign Languages Press (Peking), Mone on the Differences Between Comrade (Honggi) Togliatti
and US, 1963
Hoxha, Enver, Reflections on China
Liu Shao-chi, How to be a Good Communist, 1964
Liu Shao-chi, On the Party, 1951
Mao Tse-tung, Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, 4 Vols., 1961-65
Mao Tse-tung, Selected Readings From the Works of Mao Tse-tung,1967
Vladimirov, Peter, The Vladimirov Papers
Wang Ming, Mao's Betrayal
Addendum (Useful things not fitting neatly into other categories)
Aptheker, H., The Truth About Hungary
Baran, Paul, The Longer View
Briffault, Robert, Rational Evolution
Foner, Philip, History of Cuba/The Spanish-Cuban-American War, 4 Vols.
Foner, Philip, Jack London, American Rebel
Foster, William Z., History of the Three Internationals
Foster, William Z., Outline History of the World Trade Union Movement
Fuchik, J., Notes From the Gallows
Huberman, Leo, and Sweezy, P., Cuba: Anatomy of a Revolution
Huberman, Leo, and Sweezy, P., Socialism in Cuba
Lumer, H., Zionism: Its Role in World Politics
McCoy, A., The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia
Nukhovich, E., International Monopolies and Developing Countries
O'Casey, Sean, Behind the Green Curtain
O'Casey, Sean, Feathers From the Green Crow
O'Casey, Sean, Red Roses for Me
O'Casey, Sean, The Star Turns Red
Seldes, G., Facts and Fascism
Stone, I.F., The Hidden History of the Korean War
Sweezy, Paul, The Present as History
Yakhrushev, V., Neocolonialism: Methods and Manoeuvers
A Suggested Approach to the Study of Marxism (* - Essential) Read in Order Given
*1) Lenin, The State and Revolution
*2) Morgan, L.H., Houses and House Life of the American Aborigines
*3) Briffault, R., The Mothers, (One Vol. Edition, MacMillan, 1931)
4) Thomson, George, Studies in Ancient Greek Society, Vol. 1
5) Farrington, B., Science and Politics in the Ancient World
*6) Robertson, A., The Origins of Christianity
*7) Caudwell, Christopher, Studies in a Dying Culture - especially "Liberty"
*8) Engels, F., Ludwig Feuerbach
9) Marx and Engels, The Communist Manifesto
10) Engels, F., On Capital
11) Lenin, V.I., The State and Revolution (again)
*12) Lenin, V.I., Imperialism
*13) Sayers and Kahn, The Great Conspiracy
14) Dutt, R.P., World Politics, 1918-1936
*15) Briffault, R., Breakdown
16) Then read more history and philosophy, adding spice occasionally with a novel.
17) Marx, Capital, Vol. 1, may be difficult for students reading unaided.
18) Revisionism
a. Bernstein, E., Evolutionary Socialism
b. Kautsky, K., The Dictatorship of the Proletariat
c. Bukharin, N., Economics of the Transition Period
d. Bukharin, N., The Economic Theory of the Leisure Class
e. Preobrazhensky, E., The New Economics
f. Trotsky, Leon, Look for stuff between 1903 and 1923. Most available material is
either written after 1930, or re-written to account for criticism.
19) Attack on Revisionism
a. Lenin, Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky
b. Lenin, Left-Wing Communism, an Infantile Disorder
c. Lenin, The State and Revolution
d. Stalin, J.V., Selected Works, 1971
e. Editorial Dept. of Honggi, More on the Difference Between Comrade Togliatti and
US, 1963
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